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(1 edit)

It says "Windows protected your PC" and "Microsoft Defender Smartscreen prevented an unrecognised app from starting. Running this app might put your pc at risk." and "Application: epic game.exe, Publisher: Unknown publisher", What should I do?

click more info and click run anyway

Okay, thanks.

Deleted 4 years ago

press learn more and then it will show run anyways

Thank you.


I don't know why but mac won't open


(3 edits)

16.78 time for parkour, I accidently stopped it a tad early so I went and timed it off camera, you can check it if you would like. I will edit if I beat it again

just a little thing if you use rocket and it no hit nothin it will go in that direction forever

Deleted 4 years ago

that would be cool, but not until it's at least half full or something.


steven can you make the latest version available for 32bit


Will this be on mobile  aswell


probably not


Version 0.3.1 Bug

Punching in Time Stop when you are too close to the enemy will most likely launch you in the air.

And also, please make us able to choose the theme. White theme is blinding me.

(1 edit) (+1)

I think it'd be a good idea to add the slow-mo, I know you talked about it in the video, but it would still be such a cool thing for me and a lot of other people, maybe even better then time stop.

I know the game is early, and it's probably not gonna be the type of game I'm describing but if you added these, you'd basically get a sandbox mode which I think would be very fun if you wanna just mess around with enemies and feel really overpowered. I also think you should have infinite ammo and time stop/slow-mo in sandbox.

I also think it'd be a good idea to add a menu that lets you tinker with spawn rates, enemy health, etc. It would be really cool if an option in the menu for spawn rates was "Conveyor belt" which feeds you a single enemy of your choosing each time the last dies, or you can set it to auto and it will spawn a random/specific type of enemy.

 And maybe a level builder would be really cool too! :O

I really like playing it even as it's not finished despite all the things I just said though!

Honestly I just wanna mess around Experiment with the weapons and mobs.


can you add a dual wield feature idrc which gun but dual wield slaps so


What if there was a something like a loadout menu which lets you choose which guns to bring to a level so when adding guns you don't need the player to hold 5 guns or limit them to certain levels. So lets say he added a SMG you could remove the AR for the SMG. What do you think?

Here are some things I thought might go well with the game

  • Knife (Would take a weapon slot,  but extra melee damage
  • SMG (Like the AR, but faster fire rate and less damage and accuracy)
  • Shotgun 2 (Full auto and magazine fed would be weaker than the current shotgun , but is magazine fed for more ammo)
  • LMG (High ammo capacity, but less accurate and longer reload than the AR)
  • Minigun (I don't know how you'd get this it would has a short wind-up time then very fast fire rate it might be fun to mow down enemies)
  • Sniper (I can't tell if this would be under powered. It would have one bullet or bolt action and would do LOTS of damage and pierce enemies to get collaterals)
  • Grenade Launcher (A magazine of grenade doing similar or less damage than the Finger Rocket and will explode about 1 sec after leaving the launcher)
  • AR 2 (Faster fire rate and less ammo)
  • Revolver 2 (Full auto or maybe single, nut more damage reload one bullet at a time also could be a nerf to the revolver)
  • Marksmen Rifle (Simple 10 round mag with high damage)
  • Fun Weapon (A charge weapon which charges for 1.5 seconds then fires a very strong ball of energy also would have long reload)

Comment any of your thoughts or more ideas

i can't play because i have an nvidia Quadro K1100M

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey Steven! Im loving the demo and its visual style, but I think some slight changes could benefit it a lot. While the game looks a lot better than it did on the previous demo, I think some of the changes have impacted the game as a whole. 

Im not 100% sure that it's caused by this, but I think both the neon blurs being kinda strong and the walls being shiny/reflective are impacting the way I parkour. It feels like it messes with my depth perception while jumping, and when making big turns while close to the walls I pretty much lose track of my position. The strength of the neon effect is also making it unconfortable to play for slightly longer sessions, as my eyes start to sore after a little while.

 All in all, love all the new changes, keep up the good work!

I also feel like timing the rocket jumps is a little awkwar, maybe speeding the animation up a bit could help?

(1 edit)

Can the game run?

I have :

win 7

4 g ram

Intel HD graphics

I5 cpu

intel graphics suck, i feel bad but i still have a bad nvidia quadro k1100m

Yes it can just lower the resolution maybe turn off vsync and ur good to go. I have an even worse laptop and it can run it at 400×300 resolution

Deleted 3 years ago

hey the enemies wont shoot at you if your on a higher ledge

i know this is stupid but how do i reload

just press p to go back to the start


r to reload


glitch: walljumping: you can go back on the wall automatically after jumping and you just go higher (this means you can go up by you just pointing at a wall, jumping and holding w and youre on top after some time) win10

fix idea? make a force at the opposite of the wall(well, y will also change) you are jumping off with higher of your original velocity


This didnt work on the previous version, if it is of any help (On the previous demo you couldnt wallrun twice on the same wall. You could still do something simillar by jumping on both sides of a corner, but I actually really liked that)

(1 edit) (+1)

when I move and then release the button I still slide a bit after having released the button (example: after pressing the W key I still move forward after having let go of the button) (3.0 I believe)

(1 edit) (+1)

In the latest version of the game (v 3.0):

the crosshair doesn't line up with where your gun shoots. same happens with every gun. does each weapon have a base accuracy? because if so it's not shown on the crosshair

also at some point in the future please think about optimising your game, because getting 90fps ingame with a 2060 is pretty sad.

(2 edits) (+1)

the crosshair should line up with where the bullet goes, this is most likely just a bug and I'm currently looking into fixing it. 

regarding the performance, the game is heavily gpu bound due to all the post processing so I'm planning to add more graphics settings to help alleviate this. I get over 300 fps on a 2070 though, so I'm not sure why it's performing badly on your machine. maybe check that vsync is off?

edit: the aiming bug has been fixed! I've updated the download with the fixed version and also made some performance fixes.

LUCKY, i got a quadro k1100m and i wish i had an rtx

(1 edit) (+4)

Some suggestions:

- Cancel the reload when the player switches weapons or melees. It breaks immersion a bit when you try to punch an enemy rushing you but you can't because you're reloading. It almost feels like you're not really in control.

- Ability to switch weapons using the mouse wheel, this would allow the player to quickly swap weapons instead of always hitting 1 2 or 3.

- Time stop is really fun, but there should also be an ability to cancel it (and save whatever is left in the bar). I'd also suggest making it take longer to get the bar up to full, as the time stop is really easy to spam.

- Crouching and sliding would also be a cool addition, and could add some extra movement options (crawling through vents, and maybe some other stealth mechanics)

- An aim down sight feature to the guns would be really cool, though I'm not sure if it fits too much with the style you're going for.

- Some objects you could throw by holding the E key. It would be cool to stop time and throw a box at an enemy, or even block a doorway to escape something.

- Health and ammo pickups from enemies (maybe health from melee attacks and ammo from ranged attacks)

- A pause menu so that you can minimize the game or do something else.

- An enemy that dashes at you with a sword would be really cool, you could use the dash ability to sidestep them, and then shoot them with the shotgun. It could add a lot of variety to the game. It would also be really cool to stop time while they're dashing and punch them back.


Bugs I noticed:

- When you punch the spider-turret guy in a time stop, sometimes you're sent flying up (sometimes only a bit, but I was shot almost all the way up to the top of the arena a few times). This makes it a bit harder to melee them.

(No others atm)


(You're probably planning on adding some of these already, as the game is still early in development, this is just a list of stuff I think would polish the game a bit more)

Btw, if you're planning on messing around with music, I'd suggest using FL Studio "". The demo is free, the only thing it doesn't have is the ability to reopen saved projects, so you'd have to make stuff in one sitting (though, if you ever got the full version later, you could still open up project made with the demo). It's pretty simple to get started with, and there are tons of tutorials online. Undertale's soundtrack was actually made using an older version of FL studio, and Karlson's music is also being made with it. I'm also pretty sure Mick Gordon used FL Studio for some parts of Doom's soundtrack.

Anyway, good luck with development!

Also here's a quick sketch of that enemy concept (I don't have much artistic skill and drew this with a mouse lol-)


thanks for the suggestions! I'll definitely take these into account. things like reload cancelling, better weapon switching, and various bug fixes are in the works and should be done by the next update. the dashing sword enemy also sounds really cool and would make the combat a lot more interesting, so I'll see if I can add something like that in :)

boss concept art sorry if hard to see


This is most likely an useless suggestion, but could you add autoreloading as an option?

Also, you can create music for free with aiva. Tough, to use it commercially, you have to pay a small fee. Link if you are interested: Link to aiva


Literally just made an account to share this discovery I made, behind the arena there's a platform and tube just floating there...menacingly.

Deleted 4 years ago

good game but its REALLY LAGGY 


That’s probably because you have a pc that isn’t that good. Sorry buddy.


my pc is really bad and outdated and runs it fine

Deleted 4 years ago

whats m'mod mean

Deleted 4 years ago

I'm gonna make some suggestions about the core mechanics now.

Time stop is done just the way I would want. But we should be able to cancel the time stop without having to wait the bar to fully go down. I mean, Dio and Jotaro can cancel time stop, too.

Time stop is way too spammable. If you have a plan like adding "classes" to game in future, it would be perfectly set for Time Stopping Class . But if you are not planning to add any different skillsets or classes, then you should make it harder to stop time, since it is really powerful. Although, you shouldn't make it too weak either if you aren't going to add classes. Most of the games have some mechanics like Time Slow. People really like it too. But I personally would pick Time Stop over Time Slow, because most of the games don't have such a mechanic and it is just much much cooler and more enjoyable.

I don't know if you are aware of the fact that you can double jump cheese literally ever wall. You probably are aware, though. I mean, you probably tried it but said "Meh, not a big problem. I will fix that in the future." If you weren't aware though, you should make it much harder to climb walls using that trick (if you aren't going to add climbing mechanics to game)

It's really hard for me to do further suggestions, since there is no way I could know what you're planning to add into the game. But I hope I was able to be helpful. I will follow this game's development with huge enthusiasm.


Here are some suggestions. When killed, they robots drop ammo. The crabs drop rifle ammo, the small ones drop revolver ammo, the big ones drop shotgun ammo, and the bomb ones drop rocket launcher ammo. 

Make a "god mode" option in the menu. Infinite ammo, health, and time stop is a toggle, not an ability.

Add a thruster movement option, its like the dash, but has a longer cooldown and can be used in all directions. Also its sends you further than the dash.

These are just suggestions


the double jump sound is the burning sound from minecraft


so you can see a block thing in the distance. its flat and just floating there. well, me being the curious one...


for the dues who have the big arms add it so then have a 50% to headbutt you instead for punching you


this is way too laggy


game name sugg. TeCHNO-Fling


how much RAM does the game need cuz its so laggy


do u know u can go as high as u want with wall jumps even faster in the corner of a shape




game name  suggestion lazer range


game name  suggestion lazer arena

I have many things to say about this and I don't know how to put it all in one paragraph without it sounding weird, so I'll make a list of points instead.

1. Honestly, time stop isn't that fun of a mechanic. I rarely found myself using it, since it slows the game down to a halt. Plus, it's super broken.

2. Rockets need an overhaul. There's so many ways I can think of that they could be used for movement that would be really fun to do (i.e. boosting yourself off a wall with a rocket) but you just... can't. It makes me kinda sad.

3. The wall sliding feels kinda weird. I don't know how to say it, so I'll show a picture to demonstrate my point: 

4. Punching is super fun. I'm a big fan of punching in first person shooters anyway, so yeah. But I'd recommend to nerf it a little, since you can just one-shot enemies if you hit them in their weak spots.

5. PLEASE let me scroll through my weapons with the scroll wheel. Because holy crap, using the number keys in the middle of a fire-fight is not intuitive at all.

6. Reloading is kinda slow.

7. Here's a suggestion for a mechanic to stand the game out from other similar FPS games: draining health that you can regenerate using batteries dropped from enemies you killed. It encourages fast and aggressive play and would fit right in with the futuristic style of the game.

8. buff the pistol more lmao

9. Don't listen to point 8.

Sorry if it's a lot to take in


Really cool, I would like to make a suggestion. At some point, i would love to see a weapon wheel (kind of like doom's)

sometimes if you are in time stop and you punch one of the things, it sends you under the map.

Other than that i really like this game.

cant wait for it to download and play it

Did you say something saying "Windows protected your PC" when you opened the epic game.exe file?

potential name : laser tag

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