if u guys want to play this on windows but u get the "not from microsoft store" window, heres how to bypass it. open the unzipped folder with the exe and open Command Prompt in command promt write: set __compat_layer=RunAsInvoker press enter drag the exe file from the folder into command prompt press enter
name suggestions ANOnyMUS therefore being ANOMUS a company who is trying to put "order" in the city by slaughtering innocent people...women ,children and men have all been executed as some sort of "containment" so a resistance of scientists made an ai/cyborg the scientist who made the cyborg used his son's DNA and brain by bringing back his memories now a teenager in a adult sized robot body he decides to have some fun he takes down waves and waves of BoTS (Bots of Tremendous Succes rates)[its irony to leave out the R out] until he comes to a skyscraper which is claiming to be the base of the sinister overlord but after defeating robots and he finds his cousin also now a cyborg she was quickly to acknowledge the cyborg teenager that she was not on his side and will never change her mind he then tells her his father said when this is finished and the company has been taken care of his father could make him human again and maybe his cousin too she feels tempted but out of knowhere she gets a controlled shock which puts makes her go haywire and trip and fall in some liquid calling out to her as she short circuited below he closed his eyes and a brief moment later she was gone he turns around sad before getting a full blown punch in the face by his cousin they fight until they get on the rooftop by now it is storming they fight some more but his cousin seems too powerful too him now as the incident made her forget about the past and drove her berserk he decides too put his everything into one blast (by now i have been working on this since 10pm an currently now its 3:43am) he detects a thunderbolt about to strike near him on the roof top so he climbs over to the antenna on the top of the building and starts to charge up his blast when suddenly his cousin shoots a blast at him ripping his right arm off he charges up again as the thunderbolt hits he gets overcharged and obliterates his cousin it some how knocked her wires straight back to as she was but only for her memory defeated she didn't want to die and her cousin demands intel she says she was an assassin sent out to kill him but was also a bit reluctant to do so she told him the CEO is on mars a newly inhabited planet in the solar system the cyborg returns to his father carrying his cousin with him [not like carrying more like assisting her] his father fixes the cyborg up and says is on an expedition to mars the cyborg's cousin asks the cyborg's father is he could make her human again and he said yes but declined it since they need "superbeings" the cyborg sets off on his journey to mars halfway there he gets into a dog fight with multiple ships and cleverly destroys them since his shooting system failed after overheating the turrets he then gets to mars destroys waves of bots and a few bosses and then confronts the ceo who is the final boss after defeating the ceo the cyborg asks where the guy behind it all is the ceo says while rising to his feet you'll have to find it out yourself as the ceo flings himself into a pool of battery acid not knowing where or who the mastermind is the gaame ends on a sad note until ANOnyMUS 2 gets developed im not taking anymore orders
holy sh*t its 6:28 am thank for occupying me for my all nighter i posted it here cuz in his devlog he checked his itch.io page
hey steven, if you see this, im in version 0.3 and theres a wall outside the arena that looks different (and cooler in my opinion) than the other walls. what is it? also theres no screenshot of it because it wont let me for some reason
It's leftover from the last demo, I'm pretty sure its there from him testing the lights and stuff. Also, there is more leftover stuff, behind the arena. Look they even still have their collision.
Yo, Steven. Are we SUPPOSED to be able to initiate a wall run multiple times on the same wall before touching the ground just by double jumping? Because that wasn't like that in the last demo, and you didn't mention it in the dev log.
also, you seem like a pretty frequent commentor on this. and even the last version. just, curious (no im not trying to get a hold of him) but do you know steven?
Nah, but I just really like the idea of this game and I admire how he's making this game by himself. I just wanna help, not just him, but everyone else on here with problems :J
hey, is there any way that you can get the purple thingy on the latest version? also i made up a strat that ppl probably already use, i call it the jump dash punch. if theres one of the big thingys, you can jump dash and punch, it has a pretty good range. the farthest i've made with it is is around half the arena.
On mac you have to mark the game as executable bc he builds the game from PC, so the permissions have to be changed.
You gotta go into the terminal, type ’cd ’, and then drag the game into the terminal. Press enter. From there, type ‘chmod 755 “Contents/MacOS/epic game”’, and then press enter again.
This will give the app the proper permissions to run.
Try finding "windows protector" in your settings and modifying the settings or look for an option to bypass it in the notification. It's probably just doing that because the game was download from the internet.
Double click the zip file to open it and then click the file that it expands into, it should have a red polygonal circle icon. It'll ask you if you really want to open it, just click open and you should be good. just make sure you have the mac version.
No reason to use anything other than pistol, plz buff mg and shotty (Possibly if you get to the top of the arena from the outside, a buff is placed at the center for the 3 other weapons)
No response to know if you can lock on, so add indicator and plz buff lock range in tern for nerfing damage
Here is my idea for a user interface for selecting powers, I will also be including power Ideas and explaining how it works. The player is given a certain amount of points, each power costs points, better powers cost more points, any left over points can be used to upgrade fundamental stats like Health, ammo and how fast your special bar fills.
Power Ideas Basic Power: Portal Gun: Self explanatory Stimulant: Boosts movement speed and health (Possibly bonus health) Implosion: Like an explosion, but the opposite, drags all nearby enemies to one spot
Ultimate: Stasis: Locks an enemy in place Invisibility: Makes you Invisible to enemies
Dash: I don't have any ideas for a dash, But it would be fun to be able to sacrifice points to get a more powerful dash
Please Like this or give it traction so that Steven can see it
Hey, I am Currently in the process of making a concept for a power up menu that Steven can use for his game, Cant wait to show all of you Includes Ideas for powers
I love what you did here but sadly for me it lags a LOT. I have a older computer which definitely doesn't help but it would still be nice if you could find a way to fix it. Thank you and have a great day!
← Return to thing
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weeee fun demo
Good but my old computer suffered oof
can u make the performance improvement and bug fixes on the black/purple theme? or add an option to toggle between themes?
if u guys want to play this on windows but u get the "not from microsoft store" window, heres how to bypass it.
open the unzipped folder with the exe and open Command Prompt
in command promt write: set __compat_layer=RunAsInvoker
press enter
drag the exe file from the folder into command prompt
press enter
I know your only one guy working on this and it's really hard to develop a game, so with that in mind can you please add a ledge grab.
You can an Android version?
name suggestions ANOnyMUS therefore being ANOMUS a company who is trying to put "order" in the city by slaughtering innocent people...women ,children and men have all been executed as some sort of "containment" so a resistance of scientists made an ai/cyborg the scientist who made the cyborg used his son's DNA and brain by bringing back his memories now a teenager in a adult sized robot body he decides to have some fun he takes down waves and waves of BoTS (Bots of Tremendous Succes rates)[its irony to leave out the R out] until he comes to a skyscraper which is claiming to be the base of the sinister overlord but after defeating robots and he finds his cousin also now a cyborg she was quickly to acknowledge the cyborg teenager that she was not on his side and will never change her mind he then tells her his father said when this is finished and the company has been taken care of his father could make him human again and maybe his cousin too she feels tempted but out of knowhere she gets a controlled shock which puts makes her go haywire and trip and fall in some liquid calling out to her as she short circuited below he closed his eyes and a brief moment later she was gone he turns around sad before getting a full blown punch in the face by his cousin they fight until they get on the rooftop by now it is storming they fight some more but his cousin seems too powerful too him now as the incident made her forget about the past and drove her berserk he decides too put his everything into one blast (by now i have been working on this since 10pm an currently now its 3:43am) he detects a thunderbolt about to strike near him on the roof top so he climbs over to the antenna on the top of the building and starts to charge up his blast when suddenly his cousin shoots a blast at him ripping his right arm off he charges up again as the thunderbolt hits he gets overcharged and obliterates his cousin it some how knocked her wires straight back to as she was but only for her memory defeated she didn't want to die and her cousin demands intel she says she was an assassin sent out to kill him but was also a bit reluctant to do so she told him the CEO is on mars a newly inhabited planet in the solar system the cyborg returns to his father carrying his cousin with him [not like carrying more like assisting her] his father fixes the cyborg up and says is on an expedition to mars the cyborg's cousin asks the cyborg's father is he could make her human again and he said yes but declined it since they need "superbeings" the cyborg sets off on his journey to mars halfway there he gets into a dog fight with multiple ships and cleverly destroys them since his shooting system failed after overheating the turrets he then gets to mars destroys waves of bots and a few bosses and then confronts the ceo who is the final boss after defeating the ceo the cyborg asks where the guy behind it all is the ceo says while rising to his feet you'll have to find it out yourself as the ceo flings himself into a pool of battery acid not knowing where or who the mastermind is the gaame ends on a sad note until ANOnyMUS 2 gets developed im not taking anymore orders
holy sh*t its 6:28 am thank for occupying me for my all nighter i posted it here cuz in his devlog he checked his itch.io page
now after spelling corrections its done
KitonMC out
This is the best game i've ever played besides karlson but i think that the dash should be buft a bit
Very good! I saw your devlogs and playing the demo was very fun
it would be nice to reload the rocket launcher though
This is a good game demo. I have seen games like this become really good like karlson the trailer looks awesome. Keep up the GREAT work
Also can you teach me
bro ill test the linux version
hey why dont you name this game Untitled Shooting Game
... or Lux Radium...you know...
ye. i still think thats a fitting name
ok dumb question but is there a way to play this on chrome os
theres no way to play any game on itch.io without the game being browser game
browser version would be cool
hey steven, if you see this, im in version 0.3 and theres a wall outside the arena that looks different (and cooler in my opinion) than the other walls. what is it? also theres no screenshot of it because it wont let me for some reason
It's leftover from the last demo, I'm pretty sure its there from him testing the lights and stuff. Also, there is more leftover stuff, behind the arena. Look they even still have their collision.
oh ok
Awesome progress, an useful next feature could be custom control support or azerty keyboard support, so everyone can easily play.
Keep doing great stuff
Yo, Steven. Are we SUPPOSED to be able to initiate a wall run multiple times on the same wall before touching the ground just by double jumping? Because that wasn't like that in the last demo, and you didn't mention it in the dev log.
ye i noticed that happening to cuz it was easy to get onto the big pillars
Yeah, you can just climb walls effortlessly now.
it is nice tho
Yeah, but it's also totally broken. X D
very broken
also, you seem like a pretty frequent commentor on this. and even the last version. just, curious (no im not trying to get a hold of him) but do you know steven?
Nah, but I just really like the idea of this game and I admire how he's making this game by himself. I just wanna help, not just him, but everyone else on here with problems :J
hey, is there any way that you can get the purple thingy on the latest version? also i made up a strat that ppl probably already use, i call it the jump dash punch. if theres one of the big thingys, you can jump dash and punch, it has a pretty good range. the farthest i've made with it is is around half the arena.
nvm about the purple thing, my computer can hadle the old version
On mac you have to mark the game as executable bc he builds the game from PC, so the permissions have to be changed.
You gotta go into the terminal, type ’cd ’, and then drag the game into the terminal. Press enter. From there, type ‘chmod 755 “Contents/MacOS/epic game”’, and then press enter again.
This will give the app the proper permissions to run.
i cant download so i cant play
sucks for you then
the heck was that for
its a joke
You cant download it?
no i can not
That's weird, What computer type do you have?
Great Game and all but first I always walk backwards when I dont press a key and second I dont know how to get ammo
It might be because you have a controller plugged in, and the ammo is given to you when you start the game so idk what your talking about
I dont have a Controller plugged in does a steering wheel count?
if yes I only have a G29 plugged in
It works now
Thank you for the help
i have speedrun the game the best i got was a 20.66 which is a world record
I was gonna do this lol, good job
You should add more guns,parkour and enemy types please.
i hope he adds a sniper, and some sort of blaster
this seems cool
when im open the game it says failed to load mono what can I do
doesn't happen to me
I went through the floor lol
Yeah, that happens occasionally when punching low.
When i go to open the game it says windows protector is stoping app from going or somthing like that
can somon help
Try finding "windows protector" in your settings and modifying the settings or look for an option to bypass it in the notification. It's probably just doing that because the game was download from the internet.
You have to allow the program to run. There should be a more options button in the pop-up that will allow you to do this.
Didn't see this, yeah basically what you said.
you cn ignore it
Banana Minigun take it or leave it
steven has to add that
I can't download it or I did but I deleted the new file now when I try to download it does not want to download it says something about forbidden
Did you make sure to download the windows version?
dude you gotta be patient. after the first load it'll load fast. just watch a vid or something while you wait
So you can use crab guys as a ramp apparently.
Make an option to toggle off lights/toggle dark mode. Also solve the auto-left issue, thank you.
Mac version Is still not working, it just won't open.
thats why you don't use a mac XD, just kidding btw
Double click the zip file to open it and then click the file that it expands into, it should have a red polygonal circle icon. It'll ask you if you really want to open it, just click open and you should be good. just make sure you have the mac version.
My review, I will update as the updates come
Very fun
Good idea
No reason to use anything other than pistol, plz buff mg and shotty (Possibly if you get to the top of the arena from the outside, a buff is placed at the center for the 3 other weapons)
No response to know if you can lock on, so add indicator and plz buff lock range in tern for nerfing damage
Here is my idea for a user interface for selecting powers, I will also be including power Ideas and explaining how it works.
The player is given a certain amount of points, each power costs points, better powers cost more points, any left over points can be used to upgrade fundamental stats like Health, ammo and how fast your special bar fills.
Power Ideas
Basic Power:
Portal Gun: Self explanatory
Stimulant: Boosts movement speed and health (Possibly bonus health)
Implosion: Like an explosion, but the opposite, drags all nearby enemies to one spot
Stasis: Locks an enemy in place
Invisibility: Makes you Invisible to enemies
I don't have any ideas for a dash, But it would be fun to be able to sacrifice points to get a more powerful dash
Please Like this or give it traction so that Steven can see it
i like your idea
Thanks I spent a lot of time on it
Hey, I am Currently in the process of making a concept for a power up menu that Steven can use for his game, Cant wait to show all of you
Includes Ideas for powers
Bruh As Dani once said "Multiplayer is dope bruh!" So.. Add multiplayer
pls do. i would have alot of fun killing and/or killing with my friends.
I have some ideas for the name of the game right now:
Laser Epic Destruction Strip (LED Strip)
Also, maybe add an option to toggle between light mode and dark mode, changing the colors of the arena from black+purple to white+gold.
I love what you did here but sadly for me it lags a LOT. I have a older computer which definitely doesn't help but it would still be nice if you could find a way to fix it. Thank you and have a great day!
Why is it not purple like his new video? i am not mad just saying
It might be the old v0.3 ones.