can you make it so when you are in the air you can do a flip like in Clustertruck? also can you have it so in the middle of reloading you can still punch?
Chrome OS can't even run GDevelop without sacrificing ten children much less a 3d game. While Chrome OS is easy to use, it doesn't run resource hungry applications very well.
I know that detachable limbs are a feature, but the one I didn't detach is phasing into the floor. At the very beginning & at 0:07, you can see it's back leg on the right side going through the floor.
Well since the game isn't finished yet, that seems less important than, like adding death first of all and fleshing it into a legitimate game before stuff like level editors.
That would be awesome to have an in-game level editor. Not only would it inspire community-created content, it would also basically eliminate his need to make tons of levels in the future, unless he wanted a story line and campaign.
The speed and freedom of the movement is just right, although any level with verticality will render enemy encounters trivial, I'd consider adding a timer for levels, I'd also suggest unlocking levels into batches of 5 or 3 and requiring x number of things (be it stars or whatnot) to unlock the next batch so that players who are stuck in one level can just pick another one and are less likely to rage-quit.
Also the guns are quite underwhelming and definitely need to be made more unique from one another to incentivise weapon switching like in Doom
I think that the fact that you can run on walls indefinitely is a little op, and when you run on a wall your FOV should increase so you can actually see what you are looking at. Also, the rocket should have a hitbox ahead of where the rocket is going so that rocket jumping easier because the timing is off: Hitbox like this : ______ l:::::) |______|
You go down consistently when wall-running, and you can use time stop to, not only time rocket jumps correctly, but also boost them fivefold. (look for my video of it higher up.)
honestly I think that you should be able to turn on and off things like infinite ammo or infinite timestop so it can be fun (I REALLY just want to spam enemies with rockets while timestops active)
Personally, I think that the game is great. I also like the concept of a movement-oriented but I think that you shouldn't just add movement-related abilities, but in addition to that movement-related terrain, for example, jump pads, rooms without gravity, or reversed gravity.
Steven, a few things. The Crosshair is white and, you know, 0.3.1 is white so you straight up lose your crosshair half of the time, and I think that dashing should lessen gravety on the player during the dash because right now you sort of plummet and you need to use your double jump in sync to keep your elevation.
I like the idea of the game and I admire that he's making a game by himself and I want to help make it a good as it can be. That's why I'm making music, drawing designs, finding little things that could be a mistake or could be improved.
Oh yeah, that's super weird, I wonder what makes it do that?
Did YOU know that if you freeze time and then proceed to put multiple rockets at your feet, you can do a super rocket jump? Not a glitch but it's super cool and I was actually able to find out that there is increased gravity at high altitudes. You can experience it if you are on the highest point in the arena.
Uhh so i have a problem. When i play the game the character always goes to the left so i cant play. It's not a problem with my keyboard because i unplugged it and it still wouldn't work. Also can we get an option to turn off all the lights, it kinda lags me out. Thank You.
Are you using 0.3.1? It has way better performance. if you already are, change the game to a window in options and shrink it a bit. As for the auto left thing, I don't know. Which version are you using? Maybe that has something to do with it.
I am using 0.3.1. I know how to deal with the fps, i will just go back to my smaller monitor as the pc can't handle the bigger one, but i guess Steven will have to deal with the auto-left thing, it's also bugged both on 0.3 and 0.3.1.
Hmmm, multiple times? I'm assuming that you've tried opening it more than once and keeps happening, but need to know. Also which computer version are you using, windows?
I don't know why that's happening, it's weird that not everyone is having it, yet it isn't isolated. I must be in the way certain computers are interacting with the code or something.
Two things to bring up, a suggestion and a bug report. The suggestion is to make the player deal more damage punching during a dash and the bug report is that punching legs appears to have a small chance to teleport the player through the ground.
Suggestions #2, #3, and #4. #2 is to have the melee enemies if shot in the upper torso instinctively cover their head, #3 is to make a small flying enemy that can follow the player to places the others cannot reach, and #4 is an enemy which will switch between a ranged and melee option, opting for ranged unless the player actively gets close then switching to it's melee option.
I love the gameplay but how do I get it to be dark, it's all white and gold colors, and while that doesn't look bad it's like 3 AM and it hurts my eyes
What Unity version are you using to make the game? I'm curious because Unity 2018.3.5 the post-processing stack doesn't work and much more features so I'm wondering what unity version are you using to make the game?
I have a suggestion: Make it so you can actually die so there is a bit more tension. Right now you can be shot infinitely times and be like "this is fine".
Is there any chance you are going to release the source code of earlier versions (like v1 or v2, maybe v3 as the game progresses) to create mods or just to have fun?
Yeah, that also came to my mind shortly after posting it so my only hope is that once everything is changed (like he mentioned in the note in the pause screen) he will release legacy versions for the same purpose.
this game is easily one of the best i have found on itch. super fun and not too many bugs. what i would like to see added is more abilities, more guns, and a dodging/sliding mechanic.
By performing an effortless wall boost in the corner, you can climb the wall forever until you reach the world border. This would not be a problem; however, when you are boosting up the wall and reaching the border, you can RPG (Hand Cannon), and it will push you out the border. This will either push the player to the top of the wall or the other side of the wall. This could later be used to wall clip in speedruns or get above the world/level etc. However, this is a cool feature that could be kept for speedrunners and testers. However, it could present a flaw in level design.
← Return to thing
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It should be really easy to figure out, but here you go:
First open the .zip file, extract all, and then double left click the file with 'application' next to it.
There you go
and if it says this may harm your computer click "more info" then "run anyway"
Thank you for adding that
your welcome
it does nothing
i am confused
Oh, darn that sucks
Extremely fun! i believe this has major potential! Hope you see this!
can you make it so when you are in the air you can do a flip like in Clustertruck? also can you have it so in the middle of reloading you can still punch?
What's the point of reloading if you can still kill while doing it? it's like shooting a gun when reloading it.
Nah, it would stop the animation, but it just means that you aren't forced to go through the whole animation if your in a tight spot.
Hey, what do you guys think of this rough draft of a hypothetical look for the main character?
Hey, thanks a lot guys. I went for a sort of military look, but this is just the rough.
thats pretty awesome, but im not sure if he'll add a full body character any time soon, or at all
Yeah, I know, but the image just popped into my head and wanted to show it. IDK
Having sound effects for getting hit would be very useful, along with a death screen, and more waves. also checkpoints for parkour
He hasn't added death, obviously, it woun't stay that way.
Why is there no Chrome Os version?
WHY NOT?!?!?!?!?
Chrome OS can't even run GDevelop without sacrificing ten children much less a 3d game. While Chrome OS is easy to use, it doesn't run resource hungry applications very well.
Pretty much
I am still confused
Oh, um.
Ok basically, Chrome OS isn't powerful enough to run 3d games like this.
Oh..... *Inserts sad music*
its a feature not a glitch an intentional feature
No, not the front leg that I detached, the one that's phasing into the ground.
Its a feature and I like it
I know that detachable limbs are a feature, but the one I didn't detach is phasing into the floor. At the very beginning & at 0:07, you can see it's back leg on the right side going through the floor.
Level Editor or a version that comes with the unity files so we can mod it!!!!!
Why is this a "NOOOOOOOOO" It gives the game more content
Well since the game isn't finished yet, that seems less important than, like adding death first of all and fleshing it into a legitimate game before stuff like level editors.
That would be awesome to have an in-game level editor. Not only would it inspire community-created content, it would also basically eliminate his need to make tons of levels in the future, unless he wanted a story line and campaign.
He's very early into development so I don't think that's his main priority right now, but it would be great to see!
Had to reset my computer but it's very fun! I was listening to the DOOM Eternal OST while playing.
You should create "classes" like the current loadout would be a gunner and then you could make a magic class and stuff
Tipped, stop with the caps bro...
I noticed that when you dash into one of the floating platforms at the right angle you can fly really high up.
Check this out
Am I the only one who didn't know that there was no roof?
The speed and freedom of the movement is just right, although any level with verticality will render enemy encounters trivial, I'd consider adding a timer for levels, I'd also suggest unlocking levels into batches of 5 or 3 and requiring x number of things (be it stars or whatnot) to unlock the next batch so that players who are stuck in one level can just pick another one and are less likely to rage-quit.
Also the guns are quite underwhelming and definitely need to be made more unique from one another to incentivise weapon switching like in Doom
I think that the fact that you can run on walls indefinitely is a little op, and when you run on a wall your FOV should increase so you can actually see what you are looking at. Also, the rocket should have a hitbox ahead of where the rocket is going so that rocket jumping easier because the timing is off: Hitbox like this : ______ l:::::) |______|
Edit: Also make the boost stronger
You go down consistently when wall-running, and you can use time stop to, not only time rocket jumps correctly, but also boost them fivefold. (look for my video of it higher up.)
honestly I think that you should be able to turn on and off things like infinite ammo or infinite timestop so it can be fun (I REALLY just want to spam enemies with rockets while timestops active)
The lights in the white mode need to be a different color, like orange or something, and on the top edges of the platforms.
Personally, I think that the game is great. I also like the concept of a movement-oriented but I think that you shouldn't just add movement-related abilities, but in addition to that movement-related terrain, for example, jump pads, rooms without gravity, or reversed gravity.
That sounds super cool.
yea thats kinda what i think
Steven, a few things. The Crosshair is white and, you know, 0.3.1 is white so you straight up lose your crosshair half of the time, and I think that dashing should lessen gravety on the player during the dash because right now you sort of plummet and you need to use your double jump in sync to keep your elevation.
You must really believe in this game because your spitting ideas left and right for good gameplay
I like the idea of the game and I admire that he's making a game by himself and I want to help make it a good as it can be. That's why I'm making music, drawing designs, finding little things that could be a mistake or could be improved.
btw about mistakes i found a glitch(i think)
where if you lean on the massive wall in the arena(any wall)
and rocket jump youll be send to the top almost instantly
Oh yeah, that's super weird, I wonder what makes it do that?
Did YOU know that if you freeze time and then proceed to put multiple rockets at your feet, you can do a super rocket jump? Not a glitch but it's super cool and I was actually able to find out that there is increased gravity at high altitudes. You can experience it if you are on the highest point in the arena.
Sorry for how long this is X )
its fine
I found this very fun and I feel like if you expand upon it it could be really great
Didn't play long or get far, but worked on 2020 Mac Air with new M1 chip.
Is controller support coming?
Good work!
my character wont stop going left and ii tried unplugging everything can u please fix that thanks.
Corn, which version of the game are you using, and have you tried it multiple times?
Yeah looks like we have the same problem D:
Yeah, I'm trying to figure out WHY though...
Uhh so i have a problem. When i play the game the character always goes to the left so i cant play. It's not a problem with my keyboard because i unplugged it and it still wouldn't work. Also can we get an option to turn off all the lights, it kinda lags me out. Thank You.
Are you using 0.3.1? It has way better performance. if you already are, change the game to a window in options and shrink it a bit. As for the auto left thing, I don't know. Which version are you using? Maybe that has something to do with it.
I am using 0.3.1. I know how to deal with the fps, i will just go back to my smaller monitor as the pc can't handle the bigger one, but i guess Steven will have to deal with the auto-left thing, it's also bugged both on 0.3 and 0.3.1.
Hmmm, multiple times? I'm assuming that you've tried opening it more than once and keeps happening, but need to know. Also which computer version are you using, windows?
Yes, I am using windows, and i have tried opening multiple times both with 0.3.1 and 0.3
I don't know why that's happening, it's weird that not everyone is having it, yet it isn't isolated. I must be in the way certain computers are interacting with the code or something.
I am playing on a mac and cant open it because I apparently dont have the rights to do so even though I am the admin. Anyone know how to solve this?
You have to give yourself permission using 'chmod +x <application path>' in terminal. I don't exactly remember how to do this so this might help.
I tried this and it says "file name not found" I don't think that works for Big Sur
Thanksa a lot I'll try it soon
Awesome game, just one minor issue....
The white and gold colors are super painful to stare at, literally cannot play for more than 10 minutes... even on night mode.
Please remove the scheme. Use a synthwave or something else than better fits.
Two things to bring up, a suggestion and a bug report. The suggestion is to make the player deal more damage punching during a dash and the bug report is that punching legs appears to have a small chance to teleport the player through the ground.
Bug report #2 if you run backwards towards a wall and rocketjump you will be sent to the top of the wall seemingly no matter how tall.
Suggestions #2, #3, and #4. #2 is to have the melee enemies if shot in the upper torso instinctively cover their head, #3 is to make a small flying enemy that can follow the player to places the others cannot reach, and #4 is an enemy which will switch between a ranged and melee option, opting for ranged unless the player actively gets close then switching to it's melee option.
Bug report #3 punching a golem between the legs sends it high into the air, sometimes to the top of the arena.
Hey, what's wrong with becoming a Skyrim giant? XD
Bug report #4 sending an enemy out of the arena rather than killing it prevents new ones from spawning
I love the gameplay but how do I get it to be dark, it's all white and gold colors, and while that doesn't look bad it's like 3 AM and it hurts my eyes
Version 0.3 is dark but runs worse.
What Unity version are you using to make the game? I'm curious because Unity 2018.3.5 the post-processing stack doesn't work and much more features so I'm wondering what unity version are you using to make the game?
In one of his videos, you can see that he uses unity 2019.4 1f1 Personal
The video with the timestamp if this doesn't work for some reason it is devlog 3 min 12:01.thank you
It should keep you still as a hindrance while time stopping so you don't just cheese
Nah, you're supposed to be able to. so you can pull off crazy cool stunts, kills, and stunt-kills.
I have a suggestion: Make it so you can actually die so there is a bit more tension. Right now you can be shot infinitely times and be like "this is fine".
But this game is really awesome!
It's a demo, and he just hasn't added it yet, I'm sure he will soon.
ik. It's just a suggestion for his next devlog
Ran out of ammo for everything but other than that had a total blast playing, you got a good game on your hand
here are 1 things i wish the game had
1.the thing that helps u choose the fps (cause my computer is from 2010 which is barely able 2 run minecraft on low settings.)
Is there any chance you are going to release the source code of earlier versions (like v1 or v2, maybe v3 as the game progresses) to create mods or just to have fun?
He might not because people could just finish his game faster than him and rip him off unfortunately
Yeah, that also came to my mind shortly after posting it so my only hope is that once everything is changed (like he mentioned in the note in the pause screen) he will release legacy versions for the same purpose.
yeah that could still happen
Steven, If I were to continue work on this would you use it?
this game is easily one of the best i have found on itch. super fun and not too many bugs. what i would like to see added is more abilities, more guns, and a dodging/sliding mechanic.
Great job.
thanks for the shout out, happy to help.
Also, you should totally name it "Lux Radium", it means "light ray".
Sometimes punching makes you teleport through the ground
adding a sliding mechanic and a death screen would be cool
By performing an effortless wall boost in the corner, you can climb the wall forever until you reach the world border. This would not be a problem; however, when you are boosting up the wall and reaching the border, you can RPG (Hand Cannon), and it will push you out the border. This will either push the player to the top of the wall or the other side of the wall. This could later be used to wall clip in speedruns or get above the world/level etc. However, this is a cool feature that could be kept for speedrunners and testers. However, it could present a flaw in level design.