This game is super fun, the parkour is great, but the arena has a few issues in my opinion. First of all, the weapon number 2 is terrible. The weapon 1 and numer 3 easily beat it any day. Weapon 2 does like 0 damage at all. Also, the arena doesnt have enough things to get to the top. The monster things are cool and well balanced. An Idea for respawning: You go back to the start, just like you would if you fall of the map. The options needs updated though. I think you should be able to use custom buttons on your mouse for weapon slots or for ctrl and shift keys. Overall a good game and I look forward for future updates!
also suggestion you should make it so the weapons are on a scroll wheel so its easier to switch between weapons also another thing in the main menu make a controls option where you can change you controls to whatever you want (for what's in the game right now of course)
also, I got another one the enemies can fall out of the arena and you can also push them out and then they don't spawn anymore because I think they really never die so they never respawn back to the correct spot so there is no enemies until you go into the main menu and press play again although it isn't really a bug more a problem I just wanted to let you know. ( you can just add a little wall, players have to parkour over to enter the arena so you have to scale the wall to enter its just the easiest way to fix it).
OH MY GOD I NEED THIS GAME IN MY LIFE IT'S AMAZING. I love the fast pased action, the movement is so fluent it flows so well. I can't wait for the full release of this game. Also I believe this is a glitch, but sometimes the rocket jump won't work when you're next to it. This has only happened when I was above it in the air.
the question I download from windows v0.3.1 but it would not work it said I don't have a unity player.dll but I have it? .. i reinstalled it but still no work
I really like this game and I think it has a bright future. Although I want to mention a few things:
First of all, I think that the Player is too fast. I understand the parkour aspect of this game but I don't feel like I am in control of the Character.
Another thing that I want to mention is the shooting. I like the Shotgun and the Revolver but I really hate how the AR fires. As above I don't feel like I can control this weapon. There is no way to reduce the spray with skill. I would really like some way to reduce the recoil. Like a spray pattern, crouching, or something like this.
I figured that out myself and you don't really need to zigzag bc I do it backwards on the towers to kill enemies sometimes and I guess doing a zigzag would help with speed though
First, did you change the purple lighting to yellow? Bc that's what it shows for me. I would like to see more levels, as I like the feel of it. With those new levels, I'd like differentiation in the colors and themes of the levels, so it doesn't get boring. I'd also like hearing some enemy noises, as it feels very barren without them. As for music, the genera that would fit the most is probably a combo between techno and metal. It would sound awesome!
I hope you see this, I have a few suggestions. One tweak the way Dashes work with wall running so you keep the momentum a bit more. Two, make the ai not snap to you after time stops, im sure you already though of that. Three, being able to cancel animations for weapon swapping and reloading and three and a half, being able to partially reload the shotgun. This isnt a game design tip, but a dmc style rating type deal would probably work well with this game! Thanks for reading if you did!
Every thing is super clean, love the feeling of the shooting with the different weapons, especially the recoil, that's very well done.
Only thing that feels a off is the wallrun. It seems like when you hit the wall you just keep your vertical velocity, which means if you reach a wall while falling, you're gonna run on it but downward, and it just feels weird and is frustrating (if you reach the wall, you expect to be able to continue jumping around).
Also, please think of people like me who play with inverted Y axis :p
I luv the demo. rly good, but, I found somethings that could be better:
The machine gun is kinda underwhelming. it could use some improvements. I mean, its nessessary to shot the big brute guys in the head multiple times w/ it and my pistol boi can use a single bullet to eliminate the same enemy.
A sniper or a zoom could be added.
Edit: from now on this is added stuff I realized l8tr.
I know this is gonna be implemented but I noticed there is no death. I was playing it when I was suposed to die my life reseted
honestly a great game so far amazing graphics and controls though i'd like to see more work done towards sound music and such, and i'd also like to see some sort of bhop where you can gain speed (and fov settings)
I have a few suggestions, also sorry if these annoy you
1: when ever you are doing parkour and you aproach a platform midair, you think you will have to start to move back to slow down because of the way most games have movement.
2: immidietly after time stops the enemies know exactly where to path find to you, you should make it so the have "confusion time" where they spin around to find you.
3: backing up with two, the enemies will start to walk to you before they can see you, so give the AI "vision"
4: you probably were going to do this but you need a way to get ammo so you dont run out
← Return to thing
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Hmm, speedrun? this is me btw excuse the bad audio I forgot to turn my mic off.
This game is super fun, the parkour is great, but the arena has a few issues in my opinion. First of all, the weapon number 2 is terrible. The weapon 1 and numer 3 easily beat it any day. Weapon 2 does like 0 damage at all. Also, the arena doesnt have enough things to get to the top. The monster things are cool and well balanced. An Idea for respawning: You go back to the start, just like you would if you fall of the map. The options needs updated though. I think you should be able to use custom buttons on your mouse for weapon slots or for ctrl and shift keys. Overall a good game and I look forward for future updates!
also suggestion you should make it so the weapons are on a scroll wheel so its easier to switch between weapons also another thing in the main menu make a controls option where you can change you controls to whatever you want (for what's in the game right now of course)
also, I got another one the enemies can fall out of the arena and you can also push them out and then they don't spawn anymore because I think they really never die so they never respawn back to the correct spot so there is no enemies until you go into the main menu and press play again although it isn't really a bug more a problem I just wanted to let you know. ( you can just add a little wall, players have to parkour over to enter the arena so you have to scale the wall to enter its just the easiest way to fix it).
to be honest it just becomes a fun wall riding/ parkour playground without the enemies
umm I'm glitching through the floor in the arena using the punch and its mainly on when I punch the small guys (laser ball thingys with 2 legs)
[Windows v0.3.1]
Huh thats not happening to me. Do you have an exact location where it happens or is it everywhere?
No I just punch them and sometimes I glitch through the floor and die but its mainly when I jump above them first its quite wierd
i glitch through the walls
OH MY GOD I NEED THIS GAME IN MY LIFE IT'S AMAZING. I love the fast pased action, the movement is so fluent it flows so well. I can't wait for the full release of this game. Also I believe this is a glitch, but sometimes the rocket jump won't work when you're next to it. This has only happened when I was above it in the air.
the question I download from windows v0.3.1 but it would not work it said I don't have a unity player.dll but I have it? .. i reinstalled it but still no work
just extract all and replace it with a different destination that's what I did and it worked for some reason.not sure if you can do that though
I cannot get it to work on linux
help pls
i have one question, why is mine yelow and white and urs purple and dark
it looks real kool and idk how to get it
Milk gang was here
because you have the new version with the experimental light theme. The old dark theme is still available, you just need to download it instead.
I really like this game and I think it has a bright future. Although I want to mention a few things:
First of all, I think that the Player is too fast. I understand the parkour aspect of this game but I don't feel like I am in control of the Character.
Another thing that I want to mention is the shooting. I like the Shotgun and the Revolver but I really hate how the AR fires. As above I don't feel like I can control this weapon. There is no way to reduce the spray with skill. I would really like some way to reduce the recoil. Like a spray pattern, crouching, or something like this.
Keep up the good work!
milk gang was here
i think u should add stands HUHUHUUHU
I think you should add multyplayer mod
never mind I forot to unzip i
I could play floppy minecraft but when I try to launch it, it says a file is missing and I can see the file in the folder
i love it but it's WAY to bright
The light theme IS experimental. If you don't like it you could try the old dark version.
I love this game
I think that it would be fun If you would add a map maker and so levels or multiplayer combat. Just a suggestion
YOU RUINED THE CHAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
very nice game i love it would like to make videi on it
found a cool thing.
if you keep zig zaging on the walland jumping you can get up to placesI figured that out myself and you don't really need to zigzag bc I do it backwards on the towers to kill enemies sometimes and I guess doing a zigzag would help with speed though
agf=pahp=[h []==[ -p=hpo=[trg-yh togbh-tho0rtphrtkdpogvkoergdu8viswgiuaqfu8w7yuiasdxur82kosiokdqa09odfiuoazvijkge8t7s7yt7yuhgfwhvfschcjxjhedujkrudyjhUEÍHUJdo9i-0++__+( (Y7fd y67( *&B fr98u3289e83e98*(&+_++__)0wer398io9olfp;;sa[;da;'dxca;d v';'vighul,hriulshgijofwijkkolwfokl - code for scrool wheel to switch weapons
i thought you had a stroke for a second
thx best game :)
would be nice to be able to scroll to switch weapons.
i have a broken scroll wheel though
ok so I got a few things:
First, did you change the purple lighting to yellow? Bc that's what it shows for me. I would like to see more levels, as I like the feel of it. With those new levels, I'd like differentiation in the colors and themes of the levels, so it doesn't get boring. I'd also like hearing some enemy noises, as it feels very barren without them. As for music, the genera that would fit the most is probably a combo between techno and metal. It would sound awesome!
The light theme is one version, the old 3.0 is the dark one
it’s super laggy and I’m getting like 5 FPS (I’m on macos)
well not for me. Update you graphics dirver or something
tried it on the lowest resolution and for me it was better(because it looked like a retro game) the game also runs faster
i know same
Did you guys unzip it? You need to unzip it before you can play it.
I hope you see this, I have a few suggestions. One tweak the way Dashes work with wall running so you keep the momentum a bit more. Two, make the ai not snap to you after time stops, im sure you already though of that. Three, being able to cancel animations for weapon swapping and reloading and three and a half, being able to partially reload the shotgun.
This isnt a game design tip, but a dmc style rating type deal would probably work well with this game!
Thanks for reading if you did!
Every thing is super clean, love the feeling of the shooting with the different weapons, especially the recoil, that's very well done.
Only thing that feels a off is the wallrun. It seems like when you hit the wall you just keep your vertical velocity, which means if you reach a wall while falling, you're gonna run on it but downward, and it just feels weird and is frustrating (if you reach the wall, you expect to be able to continue jumping around).
Also, please think of people like me who play with inverted Y axis :p
Hope to see a full game of this later!
Love the game so far a little to bright/bloomy and i wish there was some sort of Fov slider
Its Ultrakill BUT NEON and I love it!
I luv the demo. rly good, but, I found somethings that could be better:
The machine gun is kinda underwhelming. it could use some improvements. I mean, its nessessary to shot the big brute guys in the head multiple times w/ it and my pistol boi can use a single bullet to eliminate the same enemy.
A sniper or a zoom could be added.
Edit: from now on this is added stuff I realized l8tr.
I know this is gonna be implemented but I noticed there is no death. I was playing it when I was suposed to die my life reseted
its overal prety gud I rly liked this game.
just jump and punch big guys in the face.
I'm not holding any buttons yet the game thinks I am moving forward
i managed to make this dude all grey can someone explain why he isnt dead?
- Vros
there's the trowable knife in the 3.1?
Nah, that is probably gonna be in the next demo
honestly a great game so far amazing graphics and controls though i'd like to see more work done towards sound music and such, and i'd also like to see some sort of bhop where you can gain speed (and fov settings)
I found a glitch. When I was wallrunning in the arena side walls, I went through the wall and outside the arena.
I have a few suggestions, also sorry if these annoy you
1: when ever you are doing parkour and you aproach a platform midair, you think you will have to start to move back to slow down because of the way most games have movement.
2: immidietly after time stops the enemies know exactly where to path find to you, you should make it so the have "confusion time" where they spin around to find you.
3: backing up with two, the enemies will start to walk to you before they can see you, so give the AI "vision"
4: you probably were going to do this but you need a way to get ammo so you dont run out
5: thanks for listening
Me: mom can we get doom
Mom: no we have doom at home
Doom at home:
delete the: "this game" it will make it more funnier :)
dark mode? pls Edit: nvm i see
download the 0.3 version instead of 0.3.1