I tried this method in both admin and non-admin macOS accounts but it still doesn't work. I maybe did a mistake in this process. I just want to know that the "PLACEFILENAMEHERE" in your message should contain the .app extension for it to work?
Best regards,
AutomateDevvy (or ADev)
idk why i'm writing a letter cuz it looks like i'm writing an email to u.
Choose a download based on your os and theme preference (0.3.1 is light theme while 0.3 is dark). What you do after that depends on your os again. On windows, you go to file explorer, downloads, and right click the new .zip file that will be there. Select the option that say open with, then choose file explorer, this should show you the game files and folder inside the .zip. Then just drag said files and folders to where you want them on the sidebar and you should be good to go. I don't know what to do for linux and mac tho so you're on your own if you have one of those.
Steven, I think that all the "people" (character, enemies) being energy-based lifeforms would be cool. For example, what if there were rails that you could ride by turning into an electrical current: and maybe "ammo pickups" could just be energy you're siphoning from the enemies would be cool.
I like the game so far and haven't run into too many bugs but I would like a physicalized Rocket Launcher and some customization but overall great game!
Yeah, the finger is weird and clunky. Also really slow firing speed for some reason? Also, the shotgun and rifle are so underpowered, he might as well remove them.
Alright, sooooo why does everyone wanna collab with steven on this, ITSA GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT A GODLIKE THING!!!! just ask him to make it ooen source and we are done ok?
There is a small bug where punching the little guys sometimes causes you to clip under the ground, because you get under them and they kinda push you down. Also, spamming space while moving side to side on a wall will allow you to effectively climb it? I don't think that's a feature.
Hi Steven, after watching your last video I got inspired to making music for your game. I'd love to hear what you think and maybe we could work together?
Here's a little "demo" 30sec. I got about 10min of that track in particular and could make more if you're interested.
idk if its relevant anymore but here is an step by step to unzip it and run
for windows download go to the compressed zip folder. right click and extract all (might be called something like uncompress or something but for me its extract all). then choose where you want to uncommpress it and click ok. wait for it to finish and a new folder should appear. go into that folder and double click on the one called `epic game`
in the arena there is a grey wall. what if you did so if you defeated a certain amount of enemies that grey wall is a gate and it opens to another arena or something?
Add a bit more knockback to the punching, cus whenever you punch in slo-mo and then the time resumes the enemy takes damage, but kinda just stays still and it looks kinda boring
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a quality thing would be nice, my potato doesn't run this very well
Put raclette in it.
can you get rid of the parkour to get to the arena for the 0.3.2 update
another request for the next update is: a story where you get weapons as you progress
It's a nice game but I can't open it for some reason... even when I'm on the macOS admin account.
I can fix it, just rename the game and take away the .app and then use a terminal and type:
type in the needed password, then make go to the folder and re-add the .app extension, try like that
I'm going to try this in both accounts.
Hello Anonymous,
I tried this method in both admin and non-admin macOS accounts but it still doesn't work. I maybe did a mistake in this process. I just want to know that the "PLACEFILENAMEHERE" in your message should contain the .app extension for it to work?
Best regards,
AutomateDevvy (or ADev)
idk why i'm writing a letter cuz it looks like i'm writing an email to u.
well it would be good to have a low quality version for people that have potato computers
i play all fps movement low poly games, and i watch the devlogs.
-rocket launcher too slow
- While ur reloading u cant switch to anything instanly so u have to wait
-no control menu
-cant reload rocket launcher
-u should be able to spam more with rocket launcher
-can go to space with rocket launcher and stopping time
-cant quit to menu
-stopping time to op mayne only being able to use it 3 times every level and its harder to get
it would add more space to wallrun
make a bigger arena
why is my mouse not respondin
I have an idea for the next update! Maybe add a scope mechanism to the pistol and other guns. And make it easier to reload the rocket, please!
The blue buttons above the forum.
u r using win zip?
I love how you can spam space at a wall to clime
speedrun for the game 14.42
hey steven can you pls make a online feature later on pls
Steven, I think that all the "people" (character, enemies) being energy-based lifeforms would be cool. For example, what if there were rails that you could ride by turning into an electrical current: and maybe "ammo pickups" could just be energy you're siphoning from the enemies would be cool.
Wow, Great game! Gives me huge Karlson vibes
Karlson Vibe?
Karlson Vibe
Karlson Vibe
bro why is everyone downvoting hes just saying its simmilar not that it copied this jeez
btw how many second/minutes does the stop time cooldown take if it has
Pretty sure its a kills thing and not timed
why cant i see my hitmarker
Because the white theme is experimental.
I like the game so far and haven't run into too many bugs but I would like a physicalized Rocket Launcher and some customization but overall great game!
Yeah, the finger is weird and clunky. Also really slow firing speed for some reason? Also, the shotgun and rifle are so underpowered, he might as well remove them.
Alright, sooooo why does everyone wanna collab with steven on this, ITSA GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT A GODLIKE THING!!!! just ask him to make it ooen source and we are done ok?
I Have A Name Its : THE UPGRADE
There is a small bug where punching the little guys sometimes causes you to clip under the ground, because you get under them and they kinda push you down. Also, spamming space while moving side to side on a wall will allow you to effectively climb it? I don't think that's a feature.
Hi Steven, after watching your last video I got inspired to making music for your game. I'd love to hear what you think and maybe we could work together?
Here's a little "demo" 30sec. I got about 10min of that track in particular and could make more if you're interested.
to laggy
switch out from the potato pc and your problem is fixed!
I would like to add a camera zoom (funktion not that school app) ((sorry for bad engleash))
i am an idiot how do you unzip and run?
What version are you two using?
in game the newest one
If you get the Itch.io app you can do it no problem, I highly recommend. No file shenanigans just hit install, then hit launch
idk if its relevant anymore but here is an step by step to unzip it and run
for windows download go to the compressed zip folder. right click and extract all (might be called something like uncompress or something but for me its extract all). then choose where you want to uncommpress it and click ok. wait for it to finish and a new folder should appear. go into that folder and double click on the one called `epic game`
I'm on a Mac and I can't open it it says I do not have prediction can someone fix this?
The zip?
What if:
shooting/punching to the beat of the background music does more damage and knockback and u get cool visual effects. Each level has a different song.
Flying enemies you can dash into to latch onto to use as living platforms.
think about it.
anyone know the commands for the linux instal
Found a small bug that made you get boosted upwards when punching this flat, 4 legged enemy during the time stop.
Actually, it can happen any time. It's just easier when they don't move.
in the arena there is a grey wall. what if you did so if you defeated a certain amount of enemies that grey wall is a gate and it opens to another arena or something?
I dunno how I did this, but it was with the shotgun. Legs got folded into the enemy.
Weird, cool find.
Imagine multiplayer in this game...
Legend. Can you add a grappling hook like in karlson, where you can swing around?
Yeah that would be dope
Add a bit more knockback to the punching, cus whenever you punch in slo-mo and then the time resumes the enemy takes damage, but kinda just stays still and it looks kinda boring
I was thinking it would be cool if punches made enemies REALLY go flying, might be cool.
I made this song for the main menu. It took two weeks to finish. Steven if you want to use it I can give you the MP3. I'm working on some others too.
This is sick, it sounds so good!!!
Thanks, He mentioned not having music in devlog 3, so I made this track.
Sick dude, amazing work.